WElcome to my re-election page and thank you for your support!
With your support, I plan to keep using my experience and passion to fight for West St. Paul! Thank you for your support in this election and thank you for caring about your city. It has been an honor to serve West St. Paul for six years and I look forward to going to work for you for another four years. We’ve made tremendous progress toward walkability, community public safety, parks improvements, equitable engagement, financial stability, business development, and enhancing our relationships across the city and with external partners. I get excited to think about what’s to come for West St. Paul and I’m optimistic for our future. I’m asking for your vote to continue this important work!
Public Safety Chair
Smith Dodd Advisory Committee Chair
Vice President of the West St. Paul Economic Development Authority
Public art advocate
League of Minnesota Cities Improving Local Economies Committee (2020-2023)
League of Minnesota Cities Cannabis Subcommittee
Legislative advocate and testifier for city initiatives
West St. Paul Equity Committee Member
Champion for walkability and public safety
12 years of “on the track” leadership as a Minnesota Roller Derby player
Proudly serving West St. Paul’s Ward III since 2019, asking for your support in this re-election campaign
Vote Lisa on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024!
Get to know Lisa
My name is Lisa Eng-Sarne and I am running for re-election to the West St. Paul City Council in 2024! If we haven’t met in person (we should fix that), let me tell you a little more about myself.
Be a part of the campaign
You can help elect Lisa Eng-Sarne to the West St. Paul City Council in 2024